Sparkler PowerPoint Template

Sparkler PowerPoint Template

This is an exciting template showing a lit sparkler emitting light.  This hand-held firework burns slowly while giving off bright light-coloured flames, sparks, and other pyrotechnic effects such as fizzing and crackling during the explosion.  Aluminium or magnesium produces the white sparks.

In the UK, a sparkler is often used by children on Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night), the fifth of November.   There is always a big safety campaign around Bonfire Night to highlight the dangers of fire.

They are also used on special occasions such as a wedding, where special sparklers, usually in a heart shape are used, or a sparkler may be used instead of a candle for the Christingle on top of the orange.  Sparklers can also be used to create artwork by taking a slow exposure photograph which follows the light pattern.

The template could be used for presentations on celebrations, lights and Bonfire Night or as a firework safety poster.

Sparkler PowerPoint Template inside page
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  1. Using this one for a Chemistry Project, mostly because it looks awesome!

    David 9 May at 12:45 am
  2. At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for pstinog!

    Lilly 25 May at 6:49 pm
  3. hmm…it’s look pretty wearing this

    vittapuchino 13 May at 9:16 am
  4. Thank you. I used this ppt to help remind children about firework/sparklers’ safety

    Howard Judge 21 Oct at 11:55 am
  5. Thank you.

    sun 6 Jun at 5:37 pm
  6. Great

    Anonymous 3 Aug at 6:58 am
  7. Fantastic

    Anonymous 3 Aug at 6:59 am