You have been asked to give a persuasive speech. This is a much harder task than the informative speech. The problem is what topic to choose for your speech. Here is a list with a number of good ideas.
Ready made persuasive speeches
These speeches have been ready written to make life easier for you
Should you buy music? Can drugs reverse the ageing process? The internet – the death of the newspaper? Did they really put a man on the moon? Are we happier than our parents generation? |
Persuasive Speech Topics
- The case for organ donation
- The need for recycling
- Why the death penalty should be abolished
- The need for gun control
- The dangers of taking illegal steroids
- How to pay off your credit card
- Avoiding drinking or drunk driving
- Why we should abolish school uniform
- Global Warming – Can we do anything about it?
- Is facebook toxic?
- Why you should become a blood donor
- The dangers of gambling
- Gay marriage
- Should euthanasia be legal?
- Avoiding student debt
- Avoiding junk food
- Pay off your student loan in three easy steps
- Volunteering – What the best way?
- Golf – the best hobby in the world or a complete waste of time?
- Should everybody be first aid trained?
- Three easy ways to improve your time management
- Can drugs reverse the ageing process?
- If you believe – they put a man on the moon
- Ten things you can do for a Dollar/ Euro/ Pound
- What you should wear for your next date/ job interview
More topics
- Animal rights
- How to survive in the wild
- Princess Diana – a cover up?
- Internet – the death of the newspaper?
- Can we eradicate AIDS in Africa?
- Is Broadband economic in rural areas?
- What good is keep fit?
- Sex, drugs and rock and roll – good fun or a major health hazard?
- Getting to the top of the waiting list
- Road congestion charging – the way of the future?
- How would you change the world?
- 7 easy ways to simplify your life?
- The five day detox
- The Loch Ness monster really does exist
- Creative thinking
- How addicted to netflix are you… can you actually give it up?
- Half man – half robot. Do prosthetics make you bionic?
- Is university good value?
- Creative thinking
- Vote for me
- Why there should be a United States of Europe
- An easy way to give up smoking
- Why we should hug more
- How we can get more people to vote?
- Why the death penalty should be abolished in the United States
- Why we should not consume genetically modified crops?
- Should religious clothes be banned in schools?
- The war in Iraq – was it justified?
- Famous lives
- The greatest American/ Briton/ French Person/ Scientist/ Discoverer/ Adventurer of all time
- Scott of the Antarctic – hero or failure?
- Winston Churchill – good man or a famous alcoholic?
- Novels vs Movies Counterparts
Are these topics not quite interesting enough for you? We have been busy creating a more comprehensive list of speech topics. Click here for more than 700 persuasive speech topics
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How to write a persuasive speech
this is pf pretty cooll
this is amazing and soooooo useful
very helpful for my speech i just copied and pasted and got an A thanks 🙂 -
how do you find the speeches
this is amazing..i love it….thank you for the founder of this site….
First-class share it is definitely. We’ve been looking for this content.
this website helped me so much!!!! i recommend this website tho every person who needs help. so a big thanks to this website!!
i love this website cause it helps me so much when i’m stuck. 🙂
This material is excellent as examples and to give ideas. For cheaters – the joke’s on you, because you’re just as clueless as when you started. The only way to get good at speaking and writing is to do it.
ummmm does anyone have any other ideas for a presentation???
how to quit smoking cigarettes
Tnx 4 d topics
i love it
Good topics but i need some topics to put into a new song i am going to write up and it will give it to all of you for free if you you help me out with it
i think that these topics are good
those topics are so helpful for my sister’s speech.thank you website
This website really helped me. I’m sitting in class now looking at speech topics to do. The former essays give me great examples of how to start out my speech. I can’t decide if I want to go serious or funny, but so helpful. xoxo
Hellooo everybody! I need a persuasive speech topic. There arent’ ANY good ones above. Come on peoples! Work with me here! I need help!
thankyou for the founder of this website !!!!
it helps me a lot !!!!
this was very helpful!
this good stuff thanks
This website has none of the relevant speeches I need in my calculus classes for my college senior exam courses
I need relevant speech topics on calculus classes and argument
Speeches about the topic but I have a question for all of u does boredom lead to trouble??? -
nice topics…
helped alot
they had great ideas i am very impressed and grateful
Once I did a speech about REM Sleeping and it went pretty well. Try inovative things!!
these topics are swag
nice topics for a paper
thanks a lot…this site is very useful for the students to find out their speeches…
what is a good topic for a how to pitch speech
it’s very useful…and I would like to thank all those who are behind this for providing such good information……thank u everyone thank U…!!!!
thank you very much you have helped me a lot
amazing you have helped me
Thanks a lot~
🙂 I love this website I got a great speech topic:) 🙂 🙂
i need a good persuasive speech but that arent about abortion drugs alcohol abuse gun control and drinking and driving
tv violence and children
its so helpful 🙂
I need a pursasive speech idea