Giving a speech to a younger audience?
Captivate your listeners and awaken their young minds with one of these great topic ideas…
Fatty Food and Why It’s Bad
Was Rasputin Really Mad?
Safety on the Internet
Things in Life I Most Regret
Evidence Bigfoot Exists
Why to Use Your Brain, Not Fists
How to Survive Lost at Sea
The Values of Democracy
Why You Should Say No to Drugs
Hitler’s Secret Doodlebugs
Abortion in the USA
Why It’s Not Bad to be Gay
Greatest Skiing Sites Abroad
Jesus – Was He Great or Fraud?
How to Make a Hundred Grand
Fast Food: What’s Your Favourite Brand?
Global Warming – Myth or Fact?
Tips to Add, Divide, Subtract
The Finest Men in History
The Great Bermuda Mystery
Famous Alien Abductions
When Not to Follow Instructions
Greatest Moments of our Nation
Xbox, Wii-U or PlayStation?
Gambling: Can You Ever Win?
Is Murder Always a Sin?
Smoking: Why You Shouldn’t Start
Pioneers of US Art
Proudest Moment of My Life
Things I Hate About My Wife
What If Hitler Had Won the War?
Creatures of the Ocean Floor
Why the French Eat Snails and Frogs
Why Do Folk Look Like Their Dogs?
Was bin Laden All That Bad?
The Worst Nightmare I’ve Ever Had
Prettiest Places to Hike
What I Think Hell Might be Like
Death Penalty: Is It Right?
How to Treat a Cobra’s Bite
Possums, Mice and Kangaroos
How to Cure the Sunday Blues
Love and Hatred: Are They Linked?
Why Did the Dodo go Extinct?
Evolution: Is It True?
Famous Cities to Pass Through
Things to Do in Case of Fire
How to Enthuse and Inspire
The Holy Grail and First Crusade
Why Brad Pitt is Overpaid
Thank you for trying…. but these are mostly informative speech topics. DX
presentationmagazine.com is awesome
Awesome topics incredible.I think these topics which at given is very suitable for us.Thank you very much who ever thought of writing this topics