How to Influence Audience Perception in Presentations

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Understanding how to influence audience perception in presentations begins with understanding the lasting power of presentations.

Think for a moment about the last presentation you attended.

What do you remember from that?

What was your perception of the presenter?

The Power and Speed of Perception

If you’re like most people, you remember the perception more clearly than the content. There are plenty of reasons for that.

One of the biggest reasons is we form perceptions quickly and then spend most of the rest of our time justifying it.

Shrinking Attention Spans

In a world of shrinking attention spans, most people form perceptions of others faster than ever.

That makes it more important than ever to have a very clear idea of the perception you want the audience to have long before you ever begin the presentation.

Perceptions and Influences

Getting clear on that begins with experiencing how quickly we form perceptions and what influences those perceptions.

In this video, we’ll do a little people watching. By the time you finish this video you’ll have a much more clear idea of how to form a target perception how tightly constructed that perception needs to be to have maximum influence on your audience.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Gerry Sandusky – View the original post .


Published On: 20th Oct 2017

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