If you need to teach football then at some point you may need to have a graphic of a football pitch. Here we have three different views of a football pitch, all in a convenient PowerPoint format.
One is a bird’s eye view, one is in perspective and another shows a view of the goal from up in the stands. Simple but effective.
Perfect for the up and coming Euro 2016 Cup.
If you liked this PowerPoint Template we would appreciate you liking it on FaceBook or Tweeting it.
I’ve also made it better by adding simple circles for the different positions in order to display tactics.
file cannot be opened by any means or program-please up it as jpeg file
It opens fine in PowerPoint. I suggest that you try on another computer.
[…] all to support this large footballing event. You could even cut them out and stick them onto our football pitch template to make your own […]
Thank you very useful
i luv fotbal
Thanks very much, really useful stuff.
David. -
Using to teach maths with young child keen on footbal! Thank you
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Excellent thanks.
Using these for a mini teaching session on the offside rule -
Tactics before training … thanks!