Here is a simple set of clip art containing a Christmas tree, snowflake and angel.
Ideal for all of your Christmas activities. Why not cut them out and make your own decorations, cards or even Christmas present gift tags.
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Published On: 19th Dec 2015
Read more about -Christmas Powerpoint Templates , Tree Template number 00233
It’s ok. A bit plain, though.
I was making a picture web with a count down till christmas and i ran across this it was just perfect!
happy christmas to you
from sarah bradford -
I should like this art for a Christmas newsletter
merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
i was also wonderng what a christmas tree has to do with christmas anyway isn’t it about the baby Jesus??? -
The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree at Christmas started in Livonia and Germany in the 16th century.The word Tannenbaum, a German word for “fir tree”, is often transliterated into English as “Christmas tree” although the literal meaning of “Christmas tree” is encapsulated in the word “Weihnachtsbaum.”