With the wedding season in full swing, we thought that all of you ‘best men’ out there could do with a little help and support when it comes to writing your speech.
Here is another example for you to use as you see fit. Good luck!
I have known [groom’s name] since we were at primary school. He has always been the one telling the jokes, making people laugh and been the centre of attention. Well, Mr [groom’s name] for the next five minutes it’s my turn to tell the stories and the jokes.
One of the first memories of me and Mr [groom’s name] doing anything together was ….. (Fill in with a funny story about when you were kids).
Mr [groom’s name] has always been a great friend to me. And I have to say that when he told me he was getting married I almost didn’t believe him. When we were younger he was never the one to be in a relationship, or to be chasing the girls around. So I think that knowing he has found Mrs [bride’s name] and wants to ‘willingly’ spend the rest of his life with her tells me just how special she is to him, and how much he loves her. If anyone should need any more confirmation than this, all you have to do is look into their eyes when they look at each other, or see the smile on their faces when they catch each other’s eyes at the other side of the room, or how Mr [groom’s name] hand, like a homing pigeon, always finds its way back to Mrs [bride’s name] backside.
Mr [groom’s name] has been the best friend that I could have asked for; if he is half as good a husband then Mrs [bride’s name] is in luck.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you could please raise your glasses to a truly brilliant friend, and his amazing wife. Let their troubles be little ones and their lives be long ones.
This perhaps is a little too short to serve as an effective Best Man speech. Even when the stories are added in the “fill-in-the-blanks” section there are important elements missing such as praising the Bride and no mention of the Bridesmaids.