Hobby Ideas

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Hobby Ideas

We had a request from one of our readers for a list of hobby ideas as she was looking for a new passtime to occupy herself.

We have compiled this list of hobby ideas. We hope that you enjoy it. If you have any more ideas please drop us a line and we will add it in.

List of Hobby Ideas

Arts and Crafts

  • Woodwork
  • Patchwork/ Quilting
  • Basket making
  • Embroidery
  • Drawing – Still Life
  • Oil painting
  • Pottery
  • Multimedia
  • Upholstery
  • Sugarcraft
  • Dressmaking
  • Pottery
  • Candle making
  • Homemade soap
  • Whittling
  • Make your own instruments
  • Beading (my daughter loves to bead)
  • Crochet
  • Knitting
  • Build your own kite
  • Paper mache
  • Mosaics
  • Stain glass
  • Furniture restoration
  • Sculpting
  • Weaving


  • Stamp collecting
  • Train spotting (collecting train numbers)
  • Collecting Staffordshire figures

Around the house


  • Wine tasting
  • Cooking
  • Foreign foods – Indian/ Chinese/ Italian
  • Baking
  • Mushroom collecting
  • Cake decorating

Electronics and computing

  • Amateur Radio
  • CB
  • Electronics
  • Digital photography
  • Computer programming
  • Computer graphics
  • Web site design

Language and literature

  • Learn a language
    • French/ Italian/ Spanish/ Mandarin/ Welsh/ Gaelic/ Latin/ Greek/ German/ Arabic/ Russian /Bulgarian
  • Join a literature group
  • French literature
  • Creative writing
  • Lip reading
  • Sign language


  • Astronomy
  • Origami
  • Magic
  • Drama
  • Join a local operatic society
  • Scrap booking
  • bonsai trees
  • bird watching
  • model airplanes
  • building birdhouses


  • Family History
  • Local history
  • Trace the history of your house
  • Stone circles
  • Discovering Ley Lines
  • Restore old photographs


  • Scuba diving
  • High Diving
  • Fishing
  • Swimming
  • Judo
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Orienteerig
  • Hill Walking
  • Trampolining

Health and personal development

  • Alexander Technique
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Reiki
  • Massage
  • Belly dancing
  • Line dancing
  • Reflexology
  • Aromatherapy

Ideas from our readers

Poll Dancing

Do pole dancing it’s a fun hobby! – (Thanks to Chavon)

If you have any more hobby ideas please add them in the box below and we will add it in to the page.

Special thanks to Kathryn Raphael for sending in the last update.


Published On: 27th Feb 2007

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  1. stitching
    holes in things

    Anonymous 5 Aug at 8:05 am
  2. Railway Modelling

    Anonymous 17 Aug at 11:07 pm
  3. public speaking/singing

    Anonymous 17 Sep at 7:06 pm
  4. hobby ideas: beadwork ( in arts and crafts)

    Anonymous 24 Sep at 8:43 pm
  5. Collecting and making miniatures (dollshouses)

    Anonymous 25 Sep at 8:37 am
  6. tidy my room

    Anonymous 25 Sep at 4:48 pm
  7. making handmade wallpapers

    Anonymous 19 Oct at 9:55 am
  8. tai chi

    Anonymous 22 Oct at 7:59 pm
  9. horse riding

    Anonymous 18 Nov at 6:40 pm
  10. design your dream room/house

    Anonymous 21 Nov at 8:13 pm
  11. bury a time capsule

    Anonymous 21 Nov at 8:13 pm
  12. robotics

    by Iovita Anca

    Anonymous 1 Dec at 8:48 pm
  13. Go Geocaching

    Anonymous 13 Dec at 9:27 pm
  14. Collect mugs or cups
    Collect quotes
    Watch old or foreign movies

    Anonymous 21 Dec at 7:48 pm
  15. Collect flowers or leaves

    Anonymous 21 Dec at 7:49 pm
  16. djing and producing

    Anonymous 24 Dec at 5:37 am
  17. Join a Bridge club

    Anonymous 24 Dec at 9:20 am
  18. Learn to use the Tarot

    Anonymous 20 Jan at 5:47 am
  19. digital scrapbooking

    Anonymous 21 Jan at 10:04 am
  20. Create a fun website

    Anonymous 22 Jan at 8:42 pm
  21. Collect random collectables e.g elaphant related stuff 🙂

    Anonymous 22 Jan at 8:44 pm
  22. rearrange furniture

    Anonymous 9 Feb at 6:26 pm
  23. Learn a Musical Instrument

    Anonymous 12 Feb at 1:14 pm
  24. Paintballing
    Bird Watching
    Go Carting
    Eddie Stobart truck model collector
    Carama/hongwell collector
    Model motorbike collector
    Diecast collector.

    Ken Biro 22 Feb at 6:49 pm
  25. ball room dancing

    Anonymous 29 Mar at 8:49 pm
  26. quality time with your mum always nice

    Anonymous 29 Mar at 8:51 pm
  27. Try different ways to write your name in cursive. It’s really fun.

    Anonymous 1 Apr at 3:11 am
  28. breeding birds

    Anonymous 7 Apr at 1:47 pm
  29. make a jane austen dress, curl your hair and flounce around the house saying “lord! i’m so HUNGRY!”

    Anonymous 8 Apr at 7:03 pm
  30. get fat

    Anonymous 8 Apr at 7:06 pm
  31. Golf

    Anonymous 10 Apr at 8:25 pm
  32. binge drinking

    Anonymous 12 Apr at 6:49 pm
  33. Simple thigs for example taking a walk or going swimming and spending time with your family.


    Anonymous 16 Apr at 8:03 pm
  34. Create a list of useful hobbies for other people to try out

    Anonymous 17 Apr at 10:27 am
  35. do some honest toil and stop wasting your time on the internet!

    Anonymous 25 Apr at 1:42 pm
  36. go on a pilgramage

    Anonymous 25 Apr at 1:43 pm
  37. tarantulas are very interesting to watch and look after. get one! i have three and there great!!

    Anonymous 27 Apr at 8:25 am
  38. tag rugby

    Anonymous 27 Apr at 8:29 am
  39. Mountain biking

    From Disgusting Of Tunbridge Wells

    Anonymous 29 Apr at 9:11 pm
  40. Jogging

    From Disgusting Of Tunbridge Wells

    Anonymous 29 Apr at 9:12 pm
  41. Home movie making

    From Disgusting Of Tunbridge Wells

    Anonymous 29 Apr at 9:13 pm
  42. dog training

    Anonymous 6 May at 10:02 am
  43. collecting spoons from different countries

    Anonymous 6 May at 10:02 am
  44. jingle writing

    Anonymous 17 May at 10:06 am
  45. taking photos, Organizing family gatherings and events.

    Anonymous 19 May at 7:06 am
  46. horse riding

    Anonymous 28 May at 3:02 pm
  47. Elephant training

    Anonymous 1 Jun at 10:54 am
  48. Have an aquarium…

    Anonymous 1 Jun at 9:19 pm
  49. Roller Blading

    Anonymous 4 Jun at 3:46 pm
  50. Hip Hop dancing

    Anonymous 4 Jun at 3:47 pm
  51. Hi. I was looking up some new hobby ideas on here and I’m surprised to see that you are missing a very important hobby on your listings.

    It’s called pyrography, which is artwork burned into wood. I used to do this a few years ago but I have reluctantly sold my pyrography machine and the stylus chisels.The machine can be purchased for about £100.00 from most craft supplies and the technique is quite simple.

    For example, you need a piece of quality plywood, preferably beech faced as it has a lighter face than most ply. Depending on the size of the picture you would like,(2ft 6inches x 2ft is about right). Fix carbon paper all over the face of the ply, covering every part.If your not really artistic enough to design a picture of your own then choose one from hundreds of art drawings or magazines etc. but remember to cover the whole of the carbon paper area by fitting the picture with tape over the top.Then with a ball point pen, draw over the outlines of your picture, pressing on to make sure that the ink from the carbon paper is transferred on to the ply.When this is done, remove the paper picture and the carbon paper from the ply and you should have your outline for burning into the plywood.

    Once you have burned all of the picture on to the ply, you can colour it in with felt tip pens.Allow this to dry then apply two coats of high gloss varnish over the finished picture before framing.

    You will be astounded by the results. I was.

    Anonymous 15 Jun at 7:21 pm
  52. glass painting

    Anonymous 25 Jun at 2:03 pm
  53. Playing the piano

    cutierosegirl 15 Jul at 1:02 am
  54. Decoupage?

    PMM 25 Jul at 4:09 pm
  55. become a pro yoyoa

    Jellyologist 28 Jul at 9:21 pm
  56. Collect rocks around your home wash them and then study where they came from.

    Anonymous 14 Aug at 10:05 pm
  57. learn to do graffiti

    Anonymous 26 Aug at 7:22 pm
  58. dress up like something different and exciting every day! LIke Cher or one time I dressed up as a clown and went to the store.ps:im not crazy I swear..ppl will asume that your dressed like that for a reason and it’s all fun!

    Anonymous 4 Sep at 10:52 pm
  59. also, you can practice doing different makeup and hairstyles on yourself in the mirror

    Anonymous 4 Sep at 10:53 pm
  60. write songs

    Anonymous 4 Sep at 10:53 pm
  61. make a scrapbook of all the hobbys you want to do

    Anonymous 4 Sep at 10:54 pm
  62. do something at the same time as someone else..like at 3:05 have someone jump or say something and you’ll do it at the same time! have others join in too!!

    Anonymous 4 Sep at 10:56 pm
  63. bollywood dancing and netball

    iu jg 15 Oct at 4:32 pm
  64. Make photograph collages

    Robyn Mullan 20 Oct at 6:23 pm
  65. read les miserables

    Anonymous 20 Oct at 8:54 pm
  66. become a catholic its the best!

    Anonymous 20 Oct at 8:55 pm
  67. Jazzercise, it is a fun way to excersize.

    Brianna 21 Oct at 10:55 pm
  68. learn to ride a bike

    joe 22 Oct at 5:41 pm
  69. Pop your spots in the mirror at work, then try all day to cover them up, it makes you look like a mental but atleast they cant see your spots!

    Sarah Hitchcox 24 Oct at 2:24 pm
  70. Good day, I would just like to say that by recycling your old newspapers,magazines,etc…
    will also save us alot of energy by collecting them, and sent them to school for projects and great hobby ideas to work with.

    Abdullah (South Africa)

    Abdullah Samuels 28 Oct at 9:07 am
  71. Puzzles would also be a great hobby to add to the website. This is one cool website!

    Stephine 5 Nov at 2:31 am
  72. I feel very strongly that the practice of hand french polishing has over the years obtained the reputation of being a process that should only be carried out by profesionals. In our opinion it can be carried out by anyone. All we need to try to do is ‘spread the word’. In an attempt to do so we now run 1 day french polishing courses for beginners and supply french polishing kits. I’d be thrilled to hear your comments. Regards,


    Ian McAslan 11 Nov at 3:47 pm
  73. show jumping!

    jess 20 Nov at 5:46 pm
  74. Try running around the mall with your friends taking wied and random pics! Peoe think you’re mad but deep downhey wish they had the courage to do the same…

    Miss Who 8 Dec at 11:22 am
  75. go out side in the summer and get a tan

    Anonymous 10 Dec at 4:17 pm
  76. just do your homework and or study

    rubi 10 Dec at 4:19 pm
  77. make new friends

    lynn 21 Dec at 3:41 pm
  78. become a hobby consultant/lifestyle coach and make millions

    Captain Pegg 6 Jan at 4:01 am
  79. Fancy becoming a Radio Ham and talk to the world. All the training you need to take up this hobby is at this site

    Ian 8 Jan at 6:46 pm
  80. Candlemaking is what I do, but I would love to make a desktop water fountain, the sound is so relaxing, you can find instructions on how to make them on the internet.

    Lora 30 Jan at 10:45 am
  81. karate

    Anonymous 3 Feb at 10:34 am
  82. going to the cinema

    Anonymous 3 Feb at 10:35 am
  83. surf the web

    Anonymous 8 Feb at 1:20 pm
  84. draw

    Anonymous 8 Feb at 1:21 pm
  85. Build something with modeling clay

    Anonymous 10 Feb at 1:43 am
  86. On-line flying. There is a massive following of flying on-line. You don’t need to be alone, you can see your friend planes and talk to them, LIVE.
    If you want to take it a stage further, try your hand at on-line Air Traffic Control.
    Both hobbies are highly educational, you will certainly increase your circle of friends and believe me, it is very very addictive. Check it out.

    John 16 Feb at 10:34 pm
  87. dog walkind :p

    Anonymous 21 Feb at 2:23 pm
  88. cooking

    Anonymous 25 Feb at 6:06 pm
  89. playing a musical instrument

    Peter 9 Mar at 7:31 am
  90. what about childcare i would like to see childcare on the hobbies list as i know lots of people who enjoy childcare majoraty of the time the children who are being cared for enjoy the care and attention they are being given .

    I`m not trying to say that there parents don`t give them attention it`s just that they might enjoy the care of others . but then again they might not

    holly richards 16 Mar at 10:37 am
  91. collecting matchbook of restaurants , hotels,coutries

    jesus 22 Mar at 7:23 pm
  92. Swimming
    Learn how to play chess.
    Learn how to play checkers.
    Re-organize room.
    Use a compass or GPS to map neighbourhood.
    Get a penpal.

    Anonymous 24 Mar at 2:19 pm
  93. athletics, ballet, Jaz dancing, playing the guitar, ice skating, ice hockey, football, basketball, gymnastics, wine and cheese club, tennis, fencing, karaoke.

    Anonymous 2 Apr at 9:40 pm
  94. Skateboarding
    Playing the clarinet(great hobby as you can play all styles of music)
    Vidio games
    model plane flying(an excelent hobby)
    writing letters
    listening to the radio
    writing music
    writing a book(Look where it got JK Rowling!!)
    Meet new friends
    internet gaming

    Anonymous 10 Apr at 3:15 pm
  95. Learn more about your local area!

    Anonymous 13 Apr at 4:11 pm
  96. Sit down and just think about all those mistakes you have done in your life

    reshma 13 Apr at 6:44 pm
  97. For a hobby, harmonica playing is really good! It is simple and easy to play! A diatonic harmonica can only cost £10

    Jolofey 16 Apr at 12:05 pm
  98. go out for play………
    volley ball
    basket ball
    ………just run around,jump high..do some pull ups and push ups…plug IPOD in your ears!!!!

    hiwatari kai 19 Apr at 8:58 am
  99. Buy a half decent camrea and take up photography. A nice place to start is the beach ion the evening, country villages (Mostly in Brtiain) or whilst on holiday.

    Jack (England) 6 May at 6:14 pm
  100. rhinestoning

    anon. 9 May at 10:09 am
  101. smoothie making. its fun and easy and anyone can do it! plus you get a delesious drik in the end.

    hannah 9 May at 6:47 pm
  102. write poems

    Anonymous 25 May at 9:13 pm
  103. Live Action Role Playing

    Anonymous 4 Aug at 12:42 am
  104. maybe go to a public place where you won’t be bothered or noticed and people watch! you get to come up with personalities for different people

    Hannah 4 Aug at 11:29 pm
  105. Once a month visit the slums and smile at the poor children.Give them sweets or a toy or some of the clothing you don’t use. You’ll feel a lot happier doing such good deeds.

    Aureo 8 Aug at 1:07 pm
  106. make a painting
    make ur own special cooking recipe
    star gazing
    cloud gazing
    authograph collection of famous people

    Tina 9 Aug at 7:38 pm
  107. cartoon making out of people’s faces

    ankita 18 Aug at 2:08 pm
  108. Rock climbing ! It’s fun and ou get exercise. Or camping, running, go to a sports center or a gym, table tennis, ruby, cricket, read, golf, photographer, football, shop for clothes, get a pet and train it.

    Ellz 20 Aug at 6:22 pm
  109. Stamp collecting

    Cindyrox321 26 Aug at 7:33 am
  110. i love Colecting Rock climbing

    Hobbys Beauty 27 Aug at 4:11 pm
  111. Dog Agility…Great for both dog and owner.

    Caroline Pearce 31 Aug at 8:32 pm
  112. for mums- buggy fit,baby sign,hand and feet casting,messy paint walk along roll of wallpaper

    charlotte from doncaster 2 Sep at 9:05 pm
  113. Airsofting
    mountain biking
    go karting

    Emma 3 Sep at 6:24 pm
  114. Be an amateur inventor using recycled materials.

    Brian 3 Sep at 8:39 pm
  115. brushing hair

    lol#1 13 Sep at 1:40 am
  116. Train to be a medium (there are lots of workshops/circles around now).
    Ghost hunting/paranormal investigations.
    Qi Gong/Reiki/The Reconnection healing (read The Reconnection by Dr Eric Pearl).
    Start your own physical mediumship circle (I have and it’s great!) – try to get ghost/orb photos, EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena – recorded spirit voices), use a planchette, try automatic writing, psychic art, pendulum/dowsing rods and last but not least, ouija (we’ve had some great messages from our guides, just trust your guides/angels to give you positive messages and you can also imagine a circle of white light around the board for protection). Oh yes, put a smiley face on the board – spirit people love smileys! 🙂
    Visit castles and stately homes.

    Lynne 17 Sep at 2:14 pm
  117. Jive (LeRoc, Ceroc etc) – unfortunately there isn’t anywhere near where I live now but when I lived in London, I loved jiving.

    Lynne 17 Sep at 2:40 pm
  118. Serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart

    Mervyn 22 Sep at 2:02 pm
  119. Metal detecting. You could earn out of it too.

    Karen 30 Sep at 10:58 am
  120. Egiptiology

    rajesh 3 Oct at 3:09 pm
  121. metal detecting

    mike keltner 6 Oct at 5:15 pm
  122. dog walking

    lilly 7 Oct at 4:27 pm
  123. Smoke Weed.

    Nathan 7 Oct at 10:46 pm
  124. daydream.

    yuni 15 Oct at 8:20 am
  125. Take a pole dancing class!

    chavon 24 Oct at 9:01 pm
  126. Choreographed Dancing

    Jesse Zylstra 15 Nov at 10:10 pm
  127. Read the twighlight Saga, then read it again, then….. read it again…….. Then get so confused with reality versus fiction that you become a real vampire hunter….

    Nisa 19 Nov at 9:42 pm
  128. Eat cheese, i love to, you can get red cheese and yellow cheese and blue cheese and green cheese and brown cheese and purple cheese and white cheese and grey cheese and orange cheese and black cheese so go down to the shops and get a load of cheese and make your self fat.

    MR cheese 25 Nov at 7:31 pm
  129. become an inventor

    madmikey 4 Dec at 5:48 am
  130. card making good for christmas

    looby 10 Dec at 5:44 pm
  131. Create Animation clips

    Chaitali 11 Dec at 6:20 pm
  132. Draw good rangoli and Mehandi

    Chaitali 11 Dec at 6:21 pm
  133. -Create a Board/card game !
    -keep spider plants and grow the babies and keep them…build a family
    -Keep a journal
    – keep a video diary of your family
    -make cusions
    -collect gemstones /crystals and learn crystal healing

    Miss Pretty 13 Dec at 11:05 pm
  134. Sing, write stories, draw, color, oil painting 😛

    jarsowl 31 Dec at 3:39 pm
  135. Be more irish! Learn the irish language, play an irish sport – hurling or gaelic football are the most popular, learn to cook an irish dish or just go to an irish pub for a pint of guiness and a packet of taytos! Then on St. Patricks day you’ll feel great knowing that you have done something typically irish! 😀

    Anonymous 1 Jan at 7:08 pm
  136. cocktail making 😉 love gem

    gem 2 Jan at 11:55 am
  137. do something for you! be selfish for once.

    Jenna 4 Jan at 10:41 am
  138. surfing

    maria 6 Jan at 7:05 pm
  139. surfing the net

    diana 16 Jan at 2:12 am
  140. study trees, grow a garden in a pot, sew, knit,crochet.

    catherine 16 Jan at 2:18 am
  141. Get in contact with everyone who helped maked the list an have a party 😉

    Cass 21 Jan at 9:00 pm
  142. Shopping
    fashion designing
    Sewing machine
    Go Carting
    Collect quotes
    Taking Photos
    Ice Skating
    Roll Skating
    Video games
    collect famous people and make a blinder
    my bedroom

    victoria soo lum 22 Jan at 12:50 am
  143. Horseback riding…. it’s the besttttt!!!!!!! <3

    Chelsea 2 Feb at 9:15 pm
  144. Paint a room in your house.

    eddie 11 Feb at 10:02 pm
  145. > why dont you try tracing back your family tree… and a presentation or site on it.
    > You can also try quilling which is different from quilting… i love doing it.

    NIKO 15 Feb at 11:36 am
  146. Mastering a new language.

    Poojitha 26 Feb at 10:56 am
  147. Virtual world

    Anonymous 16 Mar at 1:07 pm
  148. making of greeting cards

    mehreen 24 Mar at 5:13 pm
  149. Start a babysitting club and make some money.

    Traci 29 Mar at 2:44 am

    ARUNKALYANA SUNDARAM.A 29 Mar at 10:17 am
  151. go on walks

    Catalina Rose Bryson 15 Apr at 3:46 pm
  152. Find the top 5 things you can do to annoy everybody and do them over and over.

    Smile or make funny faces at everyone and see if they do it back.

    Bob 20 Apr at 2:37 am
  153. Plant a Tree

    Sarah, Are You Kidding Me 30 Apr at 9:06 pm
  154. twitter lol!

    The Prophet Muhammad 1 May at 3:53 am
  155. if you are disabaled and into wacthing football why dont you try wheelchaire football i play for ipswich charioteers, its a great way making freinds to

    darren kemp 4 May at 2:04 pm
  156. Learn a little philosophy

    Mark 5 May at 10:23 pm
  157. Well, you could make a list of what you want to do before you die
    Find a pen pal
    Write to random companies- they usually write back and send samples of their product

    Kalie 15 May at 6:01 pm
  158. Enjoy Computer graphics
    Digital photography
    Computer programming
    watch videos
    horse riding
    digital scrapbooking
    Home movie making
    Playing a Musical Instruments
    make new friends
    video and online games
    fashion designing
    Ice Skating
    And Deviantart


    ANGEL 16 May at 7:35 am
  159. Vegan Cooking/Baking – it’s healthy and animals will love you for it! 🙂

    Suzanne 22 May at 8:20 am
  160. walk or cycle every street in your suburb, city, state….

    Johnny eel 22 May at 9:29 am
  161. MMORPG”s. That’s massive multiplayer online role playing games. there great and there are a bunch out there to choose from as well as many different styles and formats.

    mastermind 30 May at 4:24 am
  162. build bikes

    aj 1 Jun at 4:01 pm
  163. baby sitting

    ali 2 Jun at 5:29 pm
  164. write down a list of funny quotes by people you know
    practice making up debates for the debate club at school.
    Do character sketches of people you know (if possible, put them in a marble composition book like the one in Harriet the Spy!)
    discover new music on the internet
    create codes
    Do research that fills a whole journal of something that interests you

    sophy 4 Jun at 4:49 pm
  165. Playing the Clarinet! It is so much fun and such a beautiful instrument!!! Or maybe the saxophone? As a child I loved these instruments and started playing them both for a bit but then I realized what a nice voice I had!

    Cheryl Cole 5 Jun at 3:53 pm
  166. football
    ice skating
    cross country
    going on the wii or ds
    computer games
    go karting
    horse riding
    mountain bike riding

    rebbeca 9 Jun at 2:57 pm
  167. Quilting! it’s fun, easy and cheap. and a great gift idea

    Hannah Dakota Fanning 19 Jun at 6:43 am
  168. soap making with glycerin bars. want to pursue it .would like to know where to get materials. please help

    ana 19 Jun at 5:37 pm
  169. extreme card manipulation
    card flourishing
    fortune telling
    palm reading
    cold reading
    warm reading
    pencil reading
    touch reading
    muscle reading
    touch reading
    sound reading
    street magic
    stage magic
    cabaret magic
    close-up magic
    kids magic
    card magic
    coin magic
    rope magic
    dice magic
    elastic magic
    rope flourishing
    coin flourishing
    elastic flourishing
    youtube (magicacematt)
    facebook (matthew thomas stewart)
    video making
    video editing
    photo editing
    meeting celebrities
    uploading photos and videos

    -check me out on youtube magicacematt 🙂

    matthew stewart 19 Jun at 9:40 pm
  170. Research and discover a whole new culture in some exotic foreign country! You never know, you might one day get to go there…

    Find really old, amazing recipes that people used centuries ago…

    Paint garden pots with funky designs and patterns that you might see random places, then grow something inside to match the design. It looks fantastic when you have them all over your garden…

    Naomi 25 Jun at 3:41 am
  171. Melt chocolate and pour it into moulds, then decorate with different coloured chocolates and/or lollies…

    Naomi 25 Jun at 3:44 am
  172. exercise

    Anonymous 28 Jun at 11:11 pm
  173. tv

    Anonymous 28 Jun at 11:12 pm
  174. music videos

    Anonymous 28 Jun at 11:12 pm
  175. facebook

    Anonymous 28 Jun at 11:13 pm
  176. collect…
    bottle tops
    radiotor knobs
    keyboard keys
    beer bottles (not hard)
    Wine corks
    Matches- mwahahaha
    roof tiles
    bicycle tires

    bobby 17 Jul at 1:46 pm
  177. Fly tying

    mike 19 Jul at 4:06 am
  178. Look at these hobby suggestions.

    Fred. 23 Jul at 10:27 pm
  179. watching anime & reading manga

    charoulitsa 30 Jul at 1:03 am
  180. Fencing!!

    bob 31 Jul at 4:17 pm
  181. The internet is a place with many possibilities.
    gain some knowledge of viruses… and how to design them.

    Visit a random website generator…
    There is interactive sites out there that will boggle your mind!

    screen-capture software is a great way to start digital srapbooking!

    There is no limit to what the internet offers, and can be a gold mine in many cases. You just got to know how to use it properly.

    a very anonymous guy! 6 Aug at 9:08 pm
  182. fishing
    metal fishing
    buying and reselling (such as craigslist)
    going to garage sales
    restoring cars
    playing wii
    collecting blown glass figures
    roller bladding
    learning new things such as words
    star gazing
    ceramic painting
    playing with your pets

    jamica5555 10 Aug at 5:26 am
  183. make a box and put everything you would like to do as a hobby in a box and take one out each week

    laura 15 Aug at 9:46 pm
  184. Decorative painting; I love it you can paint on rocks, furniture, anything with a smooth surface.

    Cheryl 28 Aug at 6:00 pm
  185. Organization

    Jessica 31 Aug at 6:01 pm
  186. Be an inventor

    B.C. 1 Sep at 6:00 am
  187. Buy someting you dont want. When you get home you figure out you want it!!

    Casey Frank 8 Sep at 4:08 am
  188. try a different hobby every week, a good way to find friends… maybe try going to a gym maybe an eco club, archery, pottery club these are things i have tried.

    jane 9 Sep at 6:30 pm
  189. Try Zumba

    Chutilak 10 Sep at 11:04 am
  190. Pick out the tinniest islands on a globe that you have never heard of and research them.

    Insomniac. 17 Sep at 5:43 am
  191. plam reading

    A Girl 28 Sep at 11:08 pm
  192. you could try off roading or green laneing its great fun

    robert 29 Sep at 8:19 pm
  193. What about origami? I started about month ago and my house is now full of origami stuff looks pretty cool thought

    Jason 30 Sep at 8:58 am
  194. Rugby

    Emily Pratt 3 Oct at 1:58 pm
  195. Macrame! It’s the art of tying cord into various artistic patterns. Years ago, I used to make a lot of really neat rope hangers for potted plants. They’re very decorative and, if you want, you can sell them at flea markets, etc. Have fun!

    Chris 4 Oct at 8:08 pm
  196. crown green bowling

    Anonymous 6 Oct at 12:08 pm
  197. photography

    dac 15 Oct at 3:12 pm
  198. fencing, learn a more unique instrument. :p (ie fiddle, pipe organ..) XD

    kaede 16 Oct at 4:22 am
  199. Astrology, coffee tasting

    Meta 20 Oct at 10:20 pm
  200. Collecting model buses and coaches – EFE & Corgi.

    RAY 4 Nov at 4:47 pm
  201. Pray

    Lesley 5 Nov at 5:30 am
  202. Make a list of things your thankful for.

    Lesley 5 Nov at 5:32 am
  203. Join a book club

    Aimee 12 Nov at 1:33 pm
  204. gallerie visiting

    dylan 17 Nov at 9:44 am
  205. Come to my zumba class in Wantirna 🙂

    leanne 21 Nov at 4:07 am
  206. Insect collecting and identifying


    Local sea life or pond life

    Collect dragonflies, pigs, thimbles, whatever you identify with

    Become an expert on something, like the Rolling Stones or a hockey league

    Join a book club

    Collect old 78 or 45 rpm records, get a record player to play them on and catalog them

    Learn Spanish and go to Spain or Mexico or South America when you have learned enough

    Start your own little business

    Volunteer for something you are interested in or to help the poor or sick

    Reconnect with an old friend or relative

    Start a blog

    OK, that’s enough to get you started!

    Jocko 24 Nov at 1:27 am
  207. stop-motion movie making

    Acefighter 1 Dec at 12:12 am
  208. Travelling – broaden your horizons!

    Net 10 Dec at 1:40 pm
  209. manga reading

    xxt 15 Dec at 3:39 am
  210. Restarting the computer and checking the time to restart every time.

    Hari 25 Dec at 1:51 pm
  211. learn magic

    Anonymous 2 Jan at 12:03 pm
  212. Highland Dancing – great fun and great for your fitness!

    Anonymous 2 Jan at 10:03 pm
  213. sewing

    sara 5 Jan at 12:24 am
  214. make homemade beauty products

    Anonymous 9 Jan at 7:30 pm
  215. 43. Riddles
    44. Sleepovers
    45. UFO’s
    46. Birdhouse
    47. Dancing
    48. Greek Mythology
    49. Studying Dreams
    50. Math
    51. Build Your Own Kite
    52. Learn a Language
    53. Drama
    54. Track

    Don’t ask about the numbers; just don’t ask

    Wolfy 13 Jan at 10:33 pm

    Jamie 6 Feb at 5:51 pm
  217. Darts. Warhammer 40k

    Anonymous 9 Feb at 10:57 pm
  218. free running/parkour
    add randomers on facebook

    jjimbob 22 Feb at 11:09 pm
  219. nice how could we all forget adding randoms on facebook

    Hobby Holic 26 Feb at 12:45 am
  220. getting ill

    Anonymous 8 Mar at 9:30 pm
  221. watching tv

    Anonymous 8 Mar at 9:31 pm
  222. Flying RC Model Airplanes. This hobby has expanded to huge proportions over the years and is an adreniline heart pounding thrill to do.

    Gary 13 Apr at 12:19 pm
  223. grow tomatoes

    vicky 1 May at 4:02 am
  224. Caligraphy (sp)

    Kelsey 9 Aug at 4:02 am
  225. Glass Etching
    Play PC Strategy and City Building Games

    Madge 11 Aug at 3:06 am
  226. Lamasha,rack painting,sola wood painting,viniar painting,tile painting

    priyanka kulshreshtha 27 Aug at 5:20 pm
  227. I want to join hobby idea team

    priyanka kulshreshtha 27 Aug at 5:24 pm
  228. geocaching

    pat 12 Oct at 8:44 am
  229. Make a little club for you and your friends.
    Make your own secret language.
    Study the things that interest you the most.
    Write out your full name in lots of different ways, or if you fancy someone, try writing your name with their last name, it makes you feel happy ;D

    Anonymous 29 Dec at 9:52 pm
  230. baseball card collecting, doll collecting

    Anonymous 11 Apr at 11:04 pm
  231. meditate. now.

    Anonymous 8 May at 2:05 am
  232. Playing with your family
    Being a geek
    Commenting on web pages
    Playing on devices
    Obsessing on a topic
    Searching the web

    Britney 20 Jun at 5:45 pm
  233. eating

    Racman 31 Jul at 11:18 pm
  234. Inkjet print transfer on any surface
    like wood canvas metal candles etc..

    Sunita 4 Feb at 10:20 am
  235. picnic at the park 🙂

    Anonymous 11 Jul at 9:15 pm
  236. I advise everyone to try Capoeira This is a Brazilian martial art. It has elements of dance, acrobatics and nice music.

    Bobby 10 May at 7:52 am