trying to write a speech for my grandads funeral
trying to write a speech for my grandads funeral
trying to write a speech for my grandads funeral
Tell him how much he’s influenced you, how much he’s helped you.
Tell him how much you love him, and how much you’ll miss him.
Tell him how proud you are of the things he achieved in his life.
Tell him you are going to uphold his values,
and that you’re going to make him proud
of the things you will do in your life.
There’s also a poem I’ve written. I’m no poet, so it’s not literary masterpiece. Feel free to use it or change it however you want. It’s a reminder that your Grandad was once your age!
Granddad, you were just a lad,
So many years ago.
You had your loves and had your dreams,
You watched us come and go.
You watched us make the same mistakes,
That you had made before,
But that just made you hold us tight,
And love us all the more.
We haven’t always thought about
The things that you have seen.
To us you’ve just been ‘Granddad’,
No thought of who you’ve been.
But we remember now in love,
Your life from start to end,
And we’re just glad we knew you,
As ‘Granddad’, and as ‘friend’.
my grandad
you was a great grandad,
i love you that’s for sure,
but when i remember all the jokes you told i love you evan more,
i love you more than the clouds,
i love you more than the sky,
but when you passed away i could not say goodbye,
i thought it was a dream, a dream that can’t come true,
but when i look up at the stars at night i will always think of you
Grandfather’s Eulogy
my grandad past away on sunday erlier hours in the mornin i miss him so much and want to say something at the funeral but i dont no what to say if anyone has any ideas can you please write back to me on here
thank you
no matter wot u say it will be special talk to him as if u wer having a conversation he will always be with u.
tell him how much u love him and will miss him
promise him u will make him proud and make somethng good out of your life and finally say that u will never foget him and he will always be in your head and your heart.
i hope this helped
My grandad recently passed away from cancer and i do not know how to start off the speech he would of wanted me to write him one but I am 14 and i tend to get lost with what I m trying to say can anyone help? x