Rubber Stamps in PowerPoint

Rubber Stamps in PowerPoint

This free PowerPoint template gives a simple but highly effective technique in a presentation,  using a graphic of a rubber stamp.

This could be used for simply adding the word “Draft”.  It could also be used to show concepts that are official, such as the words censored, banned, official, approved, passed or genuine.  It could also be used for fun things such as “first place”, or ‘Welcome to Barbados’.

These stamps are easy to make and change as long as they are on a plain white background.

The stamps consist of a transparent overlay that is actually a mottled image (a transparent gif). Simply move the text under the overlay to produce the mottled effect.

We even used this stamp effect to produce the “Banned” graphic on our sister publication Call Centre Helper.

Could be used to make stamps with the words censored, draft, watermark.

If you have enjoyed using this template, please let us know in the comments box below, what you used it for.

Rubber Stamps in PowerPoint inside page
inside thumbnail

inside thumbnail


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Published On: 26th Apr 2010

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Educational Powerpoint Templates,Shape Powerpoint Templates , , , ,    Template number 00376

  1. Hehe…. Nice

    Olive 1 May at 4:15 pm
  2. Thanks!…but how to change the transparant overlay color? This example works fine with a white background.

    Adrian 24 Sep at 12:46 pm
  3. Many thanks. Very useful and innovative.

    Bao Nguyen 9 Nov at 9:41 am
  4. Thanks so much. Simple and useful.



    Natascha Thomson 27 Apr at 12:58 am
  5. This is fantastic! Thank you very much. :o]

    Amy G 16 Mar at 7:24 pm
  6. Great ppt. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanx!

    Tanya 27 Apr at 11:21 pm
    I used it to make a TAKEN stamp image for t-shirts for my husband and I for our gift opening the day after our wedding.

    Anonymous 8 Jun at 7:47 pm
  8. AMAZING!!!
    Thank you so much for this beautiful tool!
    This site is amazing!!

    Nataly 17 Sep at 7:40 am
  9. I found this to be a useful way to rubber-stamp overarching ideas on top of plots in an engineering presentation to a mixed audience, some of whom will not make the desired conclusions from the plots alone. I added the ‘stamps’ sequentially with animation (fade in, very fast, upon click) to allow the audience to see the plots before they become obscured with ‘stamps’.
    I modified the color and style of the text box layer to make the stamp green (meaning desired outcomes) and to given it a more old-fashioned double-lined rectangular border.
    I could group the speckled layer with a text box, but even grouped, they wouldn’t stay grouped to resize. I had to ungroup, move the speckled layer a little off the text box, resize the text box, then re-stack and resize the specked layer and regroup them every time. They would stay together while grouped for movement. If anybody has an idea to make the grouped stamp resizable, it would be appreciated.

    John 14 Aug at 4:34 pm
  10. really cool, super useful, thank you!

    olivia 4 Mar at 5:05 pm
  11. It is great. Thanks a lot.

    Khadijah 17 Mar at 10:36 pm
  12. It’s great. Thank you very much.

    longwhale 25 Jun at 6:00 pm
  13. I am unable to edit the stamps. I downloaded the file as a PowerPoint file. Is there something I am doing wrong?

    MJ BELFIORE 10 Jul at 4:22 pm
  14. You are unable to edit the stamps because first you need to pic up that mottled image from the text. Mottled image is above the text. Try it

    Purnima Arora 12 Mar at 8:34 am
  15. thank you very much. very easy to use. clean design.

    Сейит 9 Apr at 9:47 am
  16. Really clever!!

    hhh 22 Jun at 11:25 am
  17. Thank you!!

    BatEl 25 May at 1:42 pm

    Martin 7 Sep at 5:46 am
  19. Awesome. Really cool and free.Helped to get my PhD presentation in a fine shape!!!

    Chris 9 Dec at 5:21 pm
  20. Thanks!

    Tami 9 Sep at 10:42 pm
  21. Fab little tool! Thanks for sharing, very impressed 🙂

    Rhiannon 13 Oct at 7:55 pm
  22. Super, thanks!

    Charles 19 Oct at 11:11 pm
  23. It is simple yet excellent, thank you very much.

    Michal 14 May at 12:09 pm
  24. thanks buddy, appreciate it

    loui 18 Sep at 7:35 am