Poems for a Grandmother’s Funeral

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Here are some poems that could be used at the funeral for a grandmother.

Turn Again To Life
By Unknown

If I should die and leave you here awhile,
Be not like others, sore and undone,
Who keep long vigils by the silent dust, and weep.
For my sake – turn again to life and smile
Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do
Something to comfort other hearts than thine.
Complete those dear unfinished tasks of mine
And I, perchance, may therein comfort you.

My Nanie’s Awa
By Robert Burns

Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays,
And listens the lambkins that bleat o’er her braes;
While birds warble welcomes in ilka green shaw,
But to me it’s delightless-my Nanie’s awa.

The snawdrap and primrose our woodlands adorn,
And violetes bathe in the weet o’ the morn;
They pain my sad bosom, sae sweetly they blaw,
They mind me o’ Nanie- and Nanie’s awa.

Thou lav’rock that springs frae the dews of the lawn,
The shepherd to warn o’ the grey-breaking dawn,
And thou mellow mavis that hails the night-fa’,
Give over for pity-my Nanie’s awa.

Come Autumn, sae pensive, in yellow and grey,
And soothe me wi’ tidings o’ Nature’s decay:
The dark, dreary Winter, and wild-driving snaw
Alane can delight me-now Nanie’s awa.

Speech for beloved Grandmother
By Unknown – Feel free to use and adapt.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. These are words we are all familiar with. For Maxine, I can’t think of a better description. The light inside of Maxine was FAR from little. It was more than the clear, blue sparkle of her eyes, more than the radiance of a smile that lit up the room. It was the light within her heart. Her love and compassion for her fellow man, her unerring sense of right and wrong, and her charitable actions towards those less fortunate than herself. Above ALL things, it was her unconditional love for her family and friends. A love that did not waver, no matter how far her beloved fell, or how high they soared.
In a day and age where few of us are blessed with the experience of an extended family brought together by love, I count myself among the fortunate, for my Grandmother made sure that love was part of my life. I could spend an eternity listing all the life lessons my Grandmother taught me, but if you knew Maxine at all, you know there is no need for me to explain.
While we on earth have lost our light. A Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Sister, and a friend, Heaven has gained an angel. A bright and shining star to light our way. And the memory of OUR angel will live in our hearts forever.

In closing I would like to share the words of another song that I have found comforting in my grief.

There’s holes in the floor of Heaven
and her tears are pourin’ down
that’s how you know she’s watching
wishing she could be here now
And sometimes when I’m lonely
I remember she can see
Cause there’s holes in the floor of Heaven
and she’s watching over you and me

God bless you all and thank you for joining with us to celebrate the life of Jo Maxine.


Published On: 26th Nov 2010

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