Northern Ireland Widescreen PowerPoint Template

Northern Ireland Widescreen PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template shows a map of Northern Ireland with a background of a faded flag. It has slides with both the entire country and also the regions, with pins showing the largest cities. It also has a map of Northern Ireland and Britain.

This template is an updated version of the Map of Northern Ireland, but in a larger widescreen format, perfect for more modern larger screens and projectors.

This free PowerPoint would make for a good presentation about the history of Northern Ireland, and could be used for presentations on dialect, culture or food and also for talking about regional differences. You can change the colours of the counties to show the differences between them.

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Northern Ireland Widescreen PowerPoint Template inside page
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Published On: 12th Mar 2018

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Editable Map PowerPoint Templates , , ,    Template number 02098