masonic toast to the ladies speech

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masonic toast to the ladies speech

masonic toast to the ladies speech

my husband has to do the toast to the ladies any good idesa

Ladies Toast

Why not incorporate “A Ladies Toast”
(Or Words of Wisdom to the Brethren)
By W.H.G. Redfern. I did in April this year. it went down well.

Good Luck

Ladies Night Speech -extremely nervous

HELP I have to give the Ladies Night Speech next April and want to know if there are any speeches that I can draw from on this presentation helper. I notice there are lots of advice and speeches regarding weddings. Can anyone help? I would be most appreciative.

Toast to the Ladies

I have a ‘Toast to the Ladies’ speech/poem which does not mention ironing white shirts etc. so if you are a lodge officer who has to propose a toast to the ladies and is looking for something to say, it is available on ebay for a small fee which will be donated to a good cause.

Ladies night speech

can any one help me as to what I should say.

I believe I thank a few people for helping with the night itself, but then what can anyone help

Masonic Ladies Night Speech to Worshipful Master

Masonic Ladies Night

as i will be the new worshipful master i have to give a speech and a toast to the current worshipful master at a forthcoming ladies night, can you please give me some tips of what i could say? unfortunately i do not know the current master very well therefore i am unsure of what to say, id like to make it a little humerous if possible? can you please help

many thanks

toast to W.M.

Before the night speak to the W.M’s best friend& or wife & they will provide you with all the background you need.


Published On: 24th Oct 2015

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