Clean desk policy

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Business Ideas
Clean Desk Policy

We have been looking around for an example of a good clean desk policy and had been unable to find one – so we wrote our own.

Here is an example that you can use.

Clean Desk Policy

We at [Company Name] operate a Clean Desk Policy


The main reasons we have introduced the policy are:

1. It shows the right image when our customers visit the company.
2. It reduces the threat of security as passwords and confidential information get locked away.
3. Scientific studies have shown that there is a reduction in stress with employees having a tidy desk.
4. Studies have also shown a reduction in workplace accidents and spills.

It is generally accepted that a tidy desk is a sign of efficiency and effectiveness.

The policy in operation

The implementation of the policy is fairly straightforward.

At the end of the working day the employee is expected to tidy their desk and to tidy away all office papers. We provide an under-desk locker and filing cabinets for this purpose.

We do not expect the policy to be implemented in a heavy-handed way, but we expect that most employees will abide by the spirit of the policy. We expect line managers to deal in a sympathetic way with employees.

Reduction in the use of paper

The policy is also designed to help reduce the amount of paper that is used in the business, as well as costly toners and inks – particularly from the colour printers. It will also reduce the amount of filing space we need.

Many people use print-offs as a form of back-up against losing information from the computer systems. Please rest assured that our IT Team back up all information on a daily basis.

Tips for having a tidy desk

1. Put a date and time in your diary to clear your paperwork.
2. If in doubt – throw it out. If you are unsure whether a piece of paper should be kept – it will probably be better to put it in the bin.
3. Use our secure recycling bins for office paper no longer needed.
4. Do not print off emails to read them. This just generates increased amounts of clutter.
5. Go through the things on your desk to make sure you need them and throw away what you don’t need.
6. Handle any piece of paper only once – act on it, file it, or put it in the bin.
7. Always clear your desktop before you go home.
8. Consider scanning paper items and filing them in your PC.


Published On: 23rd Dec 2010

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