Are you addicted to PowerPoint?

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Are you addicted to PowerPoint? Take our quick test to see if you need to detox.

You know that you are addicted to PowerPoint when..

1. You have stopped using Microsoft Word

You can’t remember exactly when, but you started using PowerPoint as a word processor to write up your reports rather than use Word.

powerpoint shopping list2. You do a shopping list in bullet points

Pen and paper? Not you. PowerPoint makes a great way to create your shopping list.

3. When you can’t see what is wrong with bullet points

You cannot see what everyone else can – that bullet points bore the pants off an audience. Still never mind, there are another 37 pages where that one came from.

4. When you act in denial about Open Office

Like all addicts you are in denial. You refuse to believe that another programme could be as good if not better than PowerPoint.

5. When any text smaller than 20 point makes you squint

You have become so used to big words that anything smaller than 20 point font just won’t do.

6. When you learn what the F5 key is for

You are so addicted that you have even learnt the PowerPoint speed keys. Want to get into PowerPoint show mode? No fiddling round to press the screen button – you press F5 and away you go.

7. When you volunteer to give a presentation

Most people avoid presentations like the plague. The thought of a presentation fills them with fear. Not you. You have a library of PowerPoint slides that you can call on.

8. You ask other people to email you their slides

Not because you are interested in their presenation. They had a nice chart that you want to rip off and use in your own presentation deck.

9. When you use PowerPoint on an airplane

Relaxing with a good book, drinking tiny cans of Coke and and eating those little packets of peanuts is for softies. You spend the flight on your laptop.

10. When you know the difference between a PPT and PPS file

Allow someone to edit your presentation? No, you email your slides in PPS format.

11. You give a best man speech using slides

Stand up and present with just words? That’s like being naked! Far better to use few pictures of the groom on some presentation slides.

12. When you send a Valentine’s card message through PowerPoint

That’s right, cards are old fashioned. You do your Valentines cards through PowerPoint.


Published On: 23rd Aug 2007

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PowerPoint ,

  1. My company is addicted to PowerPoint. We go to so many meetings where you have to sit through so many presentations.

    Too many bullet points! It’s soo boring……


    AmyP 23 Aug at 15:26
  2. Fun. You might add another couple

    When you know how many hours are left in the bulb of your projector…

    When you turn it on before you’ve decided what your presentation is going to say.

    (The latter is my personal bug-bear!)

    Simon R

    Simon R 7 Sep at 09:05
  3. You know that PowerPoint is taking over the world when, before your boss even finishes the instructions for your team brief, you’ve chosen the background and transition theme for your PowerPoint presentation…

    Alternative presentation skills – behave! There are none, are there?!

    Benjo 9 Sep at 21:03
  4. i always search the internet for new powerpoint templates & enhancements on presentations.i am always challenged to present better than other colleagues who did.i always make powerpoint presentations ahead of time.

    riza 16 Oct at 18:44
  5. Yes! I am! I made a mario vs. Sonic Powerpoint and I’m still making some!


    Jade 21 Jan at 23:23
  6. Im responsible for police and public briefings via powerpoint. Dont knock it til you tried it. I dont use Bullet points either!

    steve 23 Mar at 17:06
  7. I use it to make picture fact sets for my son. It’s much faster than the old fashioned cardstock, magazines, glue and scissors way.

    Mercy 19 Jul at 16:02
  8. The 10/20/30 rule below is stupid. I can’t imagine being in an audience and having to look at a single slide for 2 minutes while the speaker drones on, especially using his “required” 30 point type. How many words will fit on that screen? About enough to read in 2 seconds. I give my slides about 10 to 30 seconds, keep feeding them more stuff to look at, make them multi-task combining new images and my words to keep them awake.

    dmb 5 Dec at 15:20
  9. When you are listening a speech, and organizing it in slides simultaneously

    Gerardo Franco 14 Dec at 02:42
  10. This could quite be different from this part, I just need some help on how to save a powerpoint presentation with slides as screensaver. Iam dying of making a screensaver in slides! Is there anyone who can help me on this?

    I will really appriciate it…Joseph

    Joseph 24 Apr at 20:03
  11. How do you know if you are addicted to power point?

    When you invite your neighbors over for drinks and a presentation on your last vacation.

    Gary W Allen, PhD 28 Aug at 20:00
  12. Lately, I’ve been using PowerPoint in place of Illustrator and Photoshop. Since I specialize in PowerPoint presentations, and the tools have gotten so much better over the years, it’s just easier to stay in the program instead of creating graphics in other applications. And I’m generally happy with the charts and graphs I’m able to create using PowerPoint. That says a lot, since I’m very particular.

    Janet 22 Aug at 01:18
  13. This is actually hilarious. I liked reading it. The author has good imagination ability. the part “You give a best man speech using slides” made me laugh out loud.
    Sorry, I couldn’t present this comment through powerpoint. This feature should be added to te comment section 🙂

    Prodyot 4 Jan at 02:50