Free Pointer Icons

Free Pointer Icons

More presentation goodies for you in the form of pointer icons to use in your slide shows.

You can use these to replicate browser interfaces, highlight text, images and graphs or as decoration.

They are supplied in very larges sizes, so just resize for your needs.

Free Pointer Icons inside page
inside thumbnail

inside thumbnail


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Published On: 27th May 2008

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Business Powerpoint Templates , , ,    Template number 00413

  1. First of all thanks a lot for the hard work, however i’d like to mention that i always prefer that the presentation should be as simple as possible so my advice is to use an attractive template andno more, but also thank you very much, u did very hard work.

    Karim 27 May at 9:21 pm
  2. Yes simple designs are best, thats why we’ve kept these icons simple.

    jonathanball 29 May at 4:46 pm
  3. Thanks for all the brilliant templates.
    I’m a music teacher and like to use a different template for each 6 week topic I teach so the pupils recognise it every week.

    I do topics on World music and would love some cool continent related templates: The Caribbean (especially Jamaica), India, Africaas well as specific countries like Ireland, UK, USA.

    Nothing too obvious (not that you would do that anyway!) but just a flavour of the country.

    Thanks once again

    Natalie 28 Jan at 11:10 pm