A funeral speech about my Nan

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Hi I have been reading this site and trying to find somthing sutiable, I wonder is anyone can help me. My nan has just passed away this morning I i want to thank her by saying somthing at the funeral. She was the strongest person you will ever meet and endured 10 years of cancer only to be beaten this morning by a broken leg of all things. I am thinking that a poem would be nice but can’t find anything that gets across how proud we all are of her fight.

i’ve just been through a similar thing with my nana, she’s always been such a hrd knock n battled cancer for so many years but yesterday afternoon it got the better of her, she was 81 like so she put up a good fight.
i’m gonna say sumthin at her funeral and was thinkin of a short poem to go with it.


Published On: 24th Oct 2015

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