5 minute talk about "Why I’m the best person for the job"

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5 minute talk about “Why I’m the best person for the job”

5 minute talk about “Why I’m the best person for the job”

Please could you give me some ideas on topics I could use about “Why I’m the best person for the job.” The 5 minute presentation is for the position of a Teaching Assistant at Nursery.

Many Thanks

I would suggest that rather than listing some good points about you it may be worth giving three examples of where you have had positive feedback in your previous jobs. Stick to three points as people can remember threes.

If you can, make the presentation visual.

But the biggest thing is rehearse it out loud at least four times. One of which should be in front of a real audience. I have just marked six presentations at a university and the top scoring presentation was the one where they were word perfect.

I hope this helps

Let me know how you get on

I have got a job interview for the post of Administration Manager and I have to do a 5 minute presentation where the topic is not disclosed until 30 minutes before the interview. I’m really nervous – can you help?

i have to give a 5 min presentation on my three best strengths for role of area sales manager within bakery industry


I thought that I had replied to this a few days ago

Perhaps the best way to do this would be to ask your customers about your best qualities in our current job.

You will then have to pick your best three. If you present these with the feedback that you have received it will be very powerful. Independent endorsement is a lot more powerful than simply telling the audience what you think that they would like to hear.

Illustrate your talk with examples that show your qualities. if for example one of your customers said that you were “good at meeting deadlines” you may wish to provide an example of how you worked through the weekend to get out a proposal and then personally drove to Sheffield to be sure that it was delivered on time.

Make sure that you also provide some form of handout. This could be a few slides or just typing up some of the customer feedback. Whatever you leave behind make sure that it is nicely laid out and on good quality paper. Personally I use a 130 gm paper.

Good luck with the interview and if you need any more information, or would like to let us know how it went please drop us a line.

Kind regards

I have just been told I need to prepare an pesentation on ‘What makes a successful property consultant’ the day afer tomorrow. This is my second interview for the job as an Estate Agent but no time limit has been given. Help!

As regards lenght of the speech. Keep it short and snappy. No one ever complained of a presentation being too long.

A good length would be ten minutes.

Just pick the top three qualities that make a good property consultant and then give an example of how you fit into each category.

If for example say “understanding the customer” is important -give an example that shows how well you have understood a particularly demanding customer.

Also be prepared for the question – don’t you think that xyz is important. The answer to this is “yes it very important, but I only had ten minutes to present and I wanted to make it snappy” if you can think on your feet you may be able to give an example of how you have been able to demonstrate that you are good at xyz.

I hope this works. Drop us a line on the board to let us know how you got on.

Hi, I have a job interview tomorrow for the role of a call center process trainer and have to be prepared for a 10min presentation on any topic…preferrably something relevant to call centers. I need your advice and all the help on what kind of topic I could select. I don’t really have time to do any charts and don’t know if ppts are allowed.

I am to give a 1-2 minute speech about how i would make a difference as school captain. I want to leave a big impact as i only have short while to speak. Do you have any ideas?



Originally Posted by Anonymous

Hi, I have a job interview tomorrow for the role of a call center process trainer and have to be prepared for a 10min presentation on any topic…preferrably something relevant to call centers. I need your advice and all the help on what kind of topic I could select. I don’t really have time to do any charts and don’t know if ppts are allowed.

I have the interview scheduled tomorrow, how should I prepare?

I would suggest that you start with this article.


My other pice of advice would be, in future, to start the preparation at least a week in advice.

Hi i have to give a two min presentation for a Holiday Rep Job tommorow on my favorite holiday destination. any help would be good!

Just make it high energy. Take in some pictures with you to show where you have been to.

If you can tell them about the best experience that you have had.

I am to give a 3 minute speech about how i would make a difference as school captain. I want to leave a big impact as i only have short while to speak. Do you have any ideas? Thanks

Perhapds the best thing to present is three quick fire ideas of what you can do. Limit it to three ideas – the reason is that the audience can not take in any more. See this page rule of three

Then use a picture to present each idea. This should mean that your presentation is much more memorable.


I have to do a 5 min presentation on “Why I should be given the role of a Team Captain”. What skills and attributes can i bring to the role, i have no
idea where to start. Once I have introduced myself i don’t know what to say.

Kind Regards

i need ideas



Originally Posted by Anonymous

I am to give a 1-2 minute speech about how i would make a difference as school captain. I want to leave a big impact as i only have short while to speak. Do you have any ideas?

i really need a good and exciting and a sppech people will remember, like a song or a ryme or something. Please please help me?

please could you give me some ideas on topicsi could use about “why I’m the best person for the job” specialist on billing invoice (dept.of finance)

a speech for campaigning for the post of school captaincy-a canidate



Originally Posted by Anonymous

Please could you give me some ideas on topics I could use about “Why I’m the best person for the job.” The 5 minute presentation is for the position of a Teaching Assistant at Nursery.

Many Thanks

i want to know how to give a memorable speech for campaigning for the post of school captaincy

There are three basics to making a speech more memorable.

All of these are featured on the site.

1. Use the rule of three to stucture you speech. One topic, three themes, three things to remember

2. Use visuala to improve message retention

3. Rehearse

I hope to be able to build a sequence to help to demonstrate this over the next few days

Easy… 1 2 3… rule of three

I coached job hunters to invite questions like the one you have coming – it a good one.

Remember STA imagine a star of david on your interviewer

S – Security “Im a person with high integrity which is why my last emplyer promoted me to xyz..”

T- Teamwork – “I alos work well in teams although I have often worked solo in order to see a job through even if it means working over”

A – Ability ” I would really like the opportunity to work with your company as I do feel I have the ability to a really great job – I have the necessary qualifications, some sound experience and the desire to work well within your team”

a topic

could u give me the topic about which i can speak upto 2 minutes any topic, that i have to speak in an interview in a call centre, i wanted to speak about that for 2 minutes.

Presentation for 10 Minutes

Need help for my presentation.
Try to help me as I’m clueless!!!!!!

What can you bring to the particuler scheme you have have chosen?

Desperatley need answers as to what I can bring to the scheme, like determination, flexibility etc etc

Appreciate you help

Hi Gary

What is the scheme?

I might be able to help more if you can explain a bit more about what the situation is.


please reply early

Please could you give me some ideas on topics I could use about “Why I’m the best person for the job.” The 5 minute presentation is for the position of a cabin crew. want more information on the same i have my interview tommorrow. Please reply as soon as possible.




Originally Posted by Guest

I have the interview scheduled tomorrow, how should I prepare?

what can i do if i m in interview and they asked me present a presentation in 2 minutes withought preparation

thank you




Originally Posted by Anonymous

I am to give a 1-2 minute speech about how i would make a difference as school captain. I want to leave a big impact as i only have short while to speak. Do you have any ideas?

Talk about the leader ship skiils you will be doing and how you will reprosent the school Say you will be there to help the students and that you want ot put an input into the school say you will be a great role model

I have to do the same thing
at my school there ideas for my

i have a 3min presentation to do on why i am the best for the role (its a sales role for an IT company) however im not allowed to use powerpoint or over head projector. Any help would be great. thanks x

hi i have a second interview on friday and i am required to present a short presentation on ‘Why i am the best person for the job’. What sort of things should i do?

cabin crew

plz someone advise me, how to present my self 2morrow for the interview of cabin crew


I have to do a presentation on why I would be suited to a role in sales for 3 minutes and I cant think of what to say!

I have to give a 3 min presentation about whywould I make a good assistant!

I am seeking a job as a assistant and he wants me to answer the question why should I be his assistant? What do i have and what does it take. i have to 2 degrees he said his assistant must have at least one degree! but he wnats to know that and the questions above! and we have to submit it via on you tube in a video interview type thing! What do you suggest I focus on as attention getter and how should my responses be! oh it can only be 3 mins or less!

I need to have a 5 min presentation to talk about what I have done in the past two months of the internship. I have done a lot of things, but do not know what should be included. And, I am afraid that it will be really boring if I follow what usual people do.

Sales speech

I need to a 5-10 minute presentation on anything to do with Sales for a job in recruitment.

Any ideas?

Was thinking a look at “cold-callin” as something potentially humerous.

sales job in recruitment

hi – humour is always a good ice breaker becuase you engage your audience. however, don’t try to be too funny as it may detract from your presentation.

KISS – Keep it Simple Stupid or Stupidly Simple

Great question for a presentation.
Start with what you are answering
Tell them

Have a structure.
They will have things they are looking for. Do you know? Is in the advert, what did they or the interviewer ask on the phone. As always prepare. What equipment will be available, what sort of room, will their be a flipchart etc.
You need to address these things – even if you are lousy at elements they ask for. Dig deep for a good example of where you have shown that experience or a close example / transferrable skill.

If this is part of the process – they will be looking for some new elements, centering around communication, presence, dealing with stress. What do you think they are hoping to get out from the presentation?

Practise it

Ask for feedback on the presentation from someone who can help. A colleague / spouse – ask them to be honest and hard.

What are the likely question areas? Prepare the answers.

After the presentation, capture your own thoughts on how it went. (We should do this after all our presentations). After the event, particularly if you do not get it, ask for specific feedback. (We should always ask for feedback on how it went – timely and specific).


Help for interview PP on Thursday

Hi all – This is my first post so I am hoping that someone out there can help me. I have been invited to a final interview with a company being one of two candidates out of the origional 20 interviewed. I have been asked to complete a 10 minute presentation on the topc
‘How will you help ( company name), to realise maximum value from its CMS and managed hosting offers’

I am well versed at presenting but for the life of me cannot think of subject matter to get started on this. I would be really greatful if anyone has any ideas of suggestions that they would use so I can work out best ways to address this.

Thank you in advance . . .i hope 🙂

Job Interview Presentations

Hi there the key to solving this problem is strucure. Also most organisations ask situational or behavioural based interviews i.e. they want evidence of how you acted in a sepcific situation.

So, think about the job you’re going after and the types of situations you’re likely to come across.

Next think about the three behviours you can demonstrate, list them.

Against each one tell a short story or anecdote about when you showed the behaviour.

Finally after each point provide a benefit that the employer will get by giving you the job.

All the best



Published On: 24th Oct 2015

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